Open Hours8.00 - 18.00 Mon-Sat

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Unlike what its name implies, dry cleaning is not actually a 'dry' process. Clothes are soaked in a different solvent other than water. The solvent used is typically toxic tetrachloroethylene

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New customers save $10.00 automatically! All customers save 10% on orders over $145.00!

how it works

Traditionally, the cleaning process was carried out at centralized factories. High street cleaners' shops received garments from customers.


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We Can Wash and Dry Dirty Laundry


We Return Your Clean Laundry


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Affordable Prices

how much does it cost
From $150 Per Shirt
shirt service
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From $2 Per Item
dry cleaning
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$250 Per Pound
laundry service
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From $199 Per Suit
corporate laundry
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From Only $4.00
We Also Offer Self Service


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Jenna Matthews

Jenna Matthews


“It matters when you can trust completely and get the best possible result. Your service is always immediate and impeccable.”

Letitia Harold

Letitia Harold


“At my age it is more difficult to do all the things about the house, but I can completely rely on your professional staff. Appreciate it!”

Sharonda Mills

Sharonda Mills


“I have so much free time now that these guys do my laundry! I am able to spend it with my friends and family, and totally love it. Thank you!”

Zoe Anderson

Zoe Anderson

office manager

“Thank you for always standing by and being the best at what you do! I appreciate the prompt pick-ups and delivery. Wish you luck!”

Our Promise

Discover why thousands of people trust us to take care of their clothes for them!

Enjoy Our 20lb Washers For Only $1.99


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